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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Well here we are....the first month of 2017 is coming to a close. So let me ask you?
How is your motivation and passion about your goals going for you?

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”  Walt Disney.
For real!!  
How many of us do this?  We start off the year with goals and resolutions and we are passionate and excited about tackling them, the next morning we get out of bed realizing that those habits are tougher to change than what we realized. What holds us back from becoming who we want to be?  Is it fear, unpreparedness, time, lack of motivation, lack of support? Yes to all of the above and several more. Some of us will take the victim role at this point and allow defeat to occur before any giving ourselves a chance.

The fact is change does not happen overnight, we do not miraculously wake up the next morning with goals achieved. No way!  Change is a process and reaching goals takes time.
So, where do we start?  First thing we do is define what our goals are and write them down. Make sure these goals are realistic and attainable, do not set ourselves up to fail by setting too high of a goal.  

Next step, come up with several “to do’s” that will help us achieve those goals.  Here is an example, if I want to lose weight then I need to start an exercise program and prepare a nutritious meal plan.  I need recipes, a grocery store list and a workout routine for the week.  
It’s all about the planning.  80% of our success will come from planning.  That, my friends, is where the motivation and passion comes from.  It’s in the planning.  We plan to be successful, we set ourselves up for success, we execute our plan...we succeed.  We gain more motivation, more passion as we continue to reach our goals.  It’s so EXCITING isn’t it?

So, I ask you, where are you today in your goal setting?  Do you have goals?  Do you have a plan?  Let’s connect.  Let’s make some goals!  Let’s build life changing motivation and passion and bring the desired change to your life you crave.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Stephanie Kreun has been in the fitness industry for more than 20 years as a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and most recently, Holistic Nutrition Coach.
She holds a Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science and Nutrition and is certified by the Southwestern Institute of Holistic Arts as a Holistic Nutrition Coach, Stephanie is extremely knowledgeable about the role of diet in healthy living, and has worked with clients whose food issues span the entire spectrum.
Stephanie has dedicated her career to assisting individual’s reach their nutrition and fitness goals. She has a contagious enthusiasm and passion for wellness and continues to motivate people of all ages, her goal is to inspire others to take action and transform their lives.

Warm, energetic, and intelligent, she radiates a supportive, friendly approach that takes the worry out of change and makes it sustainable. She has a unique way of connecting with people and empowering each person to take control in their health and achieve optimum wellness.

Stephanie can be found in the aisles of your neighborhood grocery store where she spends time educating and leading individuals to success.